Friday, November 2, 2007

Mi Querencia

A querencia is a safe place, a place called home. A querencia can be any where: from your house to the park, from your backyard to the beach. A querencia can be a comfortable place where you can relax or do your homework. Mi (my) querencia is my room. Even though i have to share it with my sister, my room makes me relaxed, safe and comfortable. My room brings back many memories from the past, like when i first got a bunk bed, or when i first broke my bed. it's difficult to explain the feeling when i'm in my room: i feel safe, comfortable snd relaxed. The best part of my room is my bed. i like to sleep on my bed after school is over. sleeping feels like angels are taking you up in the sky and laying you down on a cloud, until your dog somehow gets in and unleashes slobber world on your face (I hate That) sometimes, if i'm really tired, i go into a deep sleep. i'm trying not to do that, because last year i had a problem with sleeping after school is done, i would sleep then wake up at night time, then my mom would tell me to go to sleep, but i couldn't because i already did. so i would be awake all night. then, in the morning i would do my homework, and then go to school tired and hungry. my room and i are one, i don't care what people think I LOVE MY ROOM!

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