Friday, November 2, 2007

Mi Querencia

A querencia is a safe place, a place called home. A querencia can be any where: from your house to the park, from your backyard to the beach. A querencia can be a comfortable place where you can relax or do your homework. Mi (my) querencia is my room. Even though i have to share it with my sister, my room makes me relaxed, safe and comfortable. My room brings back many memories from the past, like when i first got a bunk bed, or when i first broke my bed. it's difficult to explain the feeling when i'm in my room: i feel safe, comfortable snd relaxed. The best part of my room is my bed. i like to sleep on my bed after school is over. sleeping feels like angels are taking you up in the sky and laying you down on a cloud, until your dog somehow gets in and unleashes slobber world on your face (I hate That) sometimes, if i'm really tired, i go into a deep sleep. i'm trying not to do that, because last year i had a problem with sleeping after school is done, i would sleep then wake up at night time, then my mom would tell me to go to sleep, but i couldn't because i already did. so i would be awake all night. then, in the morning i would do my homework, and then go to school tired and hungry. my room and i are one, i don't care what people think I LOVE MY ROOM!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Podcast Reflection

A strength in the podcast project was typing the script because I had the whole project planned out in my head and all I had to do is write the script on paper. Another strength was creating the podcast on Garageband. I had personal experience and like I said, I had the whole project planned out in my head. My major challenge was converting the Garageband file to MP3 because the computers were really slow.
A writing goal is to write music because I think music is a good way to express myself. Another writing goal is to overall become a better writer. My plan of attack is my friends and family, because they can help me and they also they can give me helpful tips and ideas.

is my blog cooler than edgar's?